
Speech to no one while I shower.

My fellow bathers: we have all heard about Shirley McLaine, past lives and many masters. I am here today, in the shower with you, to ask you to consider a different point of view. We think of time as an arrow. We think of time as a consecutive line from the big bang to this very second where I start to wash my left arm. Open your minds as you hear my voice, and shower along as you listen. Time was made for you and me so we could function within our boundaries. So we could bathe every part of the body at the proper time, in the proper sequence. We are creatures that must follow a path. We cannot comprehend following parallel paths when it comes to dealing with hours or centuries. Things must happen for us in sequence. We are born, we live, we die. We cannot comprehend being born, living and dying at the same time. We follow a line much like the sequence we use to bathe. I wash my left arm, then my right arm, then my chest shoulders and back, then my dick balls and ass, my legs, and my hair. I cannot bathe everything at once, because I can’t function in a parallel path. I am limited to linear behavior like all humans.
Things would be different if I were a god, either a biblical god, or a god from one of the worlds great mythologies. Perhaps even a god the world has not met yet.
If I were a god, what you call the past, the present, and the future would all be available to me as a single choice all the time.
We speak of past lives, never realizing that, for linear creatures like us, the past is not an available choice. The past is dead time. Some may think that past lives are a memory, but memory is limited to the gray mass that came with the frail vessel we inhabit.
My fellow bathers: I have often told you that the soul is part of the greater god that has no time boundary. No boundary, just like the air you breathe linearly is part of the greater universal void. Just like the drop of water that just rolled down the tip of my dick, will someday be part of a block of ice in somebody’s martini. No boundary.
My fellow bathers: We think of past lives never really thinking that the soul is part of that parallel greater being, and that the greater being is inside us, listening to that thought. Maybe even thinking of how fun it would be to put you in that life you are thinking is behind you the next time you come around. So I ask you to consider this: the next time you think of a past life… think that the past life you are thinking of may actually be your next life. Wish for one you would be happy with. Perhaps think that this same life you are now living was your past life, or that perhaps you were god in your past life.
Consider the later choice tomorrow, and let me know yesterday if you understood.